(Photos are from article)
Shortened link to article (case-sensitive): http://goo.gl/lzpTY
Define Garbage?
"One man's trash is another man's treasure." This well known American proverb may apply in more cases than you might imagine. Some individuals have brought the meaning of this saying to its full value by making creations beyond imagination out of, well trash. The image above shows a robot built by Wu Yulu. Wu Yulu is a chinese farmer, howerer he built a family of 26 "recycled" robots. These robots are built entirely out of scrap metals. At first his robots could barely move. But now, his latest model can to pull him in a rickshaw for about 6 hours on a single charge! Now that is impressive, especially when you consider that it started from a pile of scrap metal. Another impressive creation is Larry, the fire breathing robot-dog. Gizmowatch.com says, "The walking robot dog Larry surely stunned each passerby with its massive build and the fire spitting." As if that wasn't enough, the robot is built out of scrap metal. People are finding new and more creative ways to combine art and robotics.
I find this article very interesting and i can relate to it personally. In 4th grade, i built a waddling robot with a tin can and some basic parts. One of the wires are now damaged however so i would need to fix it before it would work again. In second grade I also built a basic electromagnet to simulate the basic concept of a telegraph using an old nail, a paper clip, a used d-cell battery, and some magnet wire. It is amazing what people can do with old unwanted scraps, and how they can transform these scraps into something creative and interesting. I think the world needs more people who can use their imaginations to improve the world of art and technology in ways such as those shown by the creators of these unbelievable works of art.
Jeremy Mayer created this robot from the parts of a typewriter using cold assembly (no glue, soldering, welding or anything else along those lines) |
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